Thursday, February 19, 2009

Preston's Library Books!

The day our library books were due:

Mom- Ok find your books, they're due today! Preston make sure you find all

10 books!

Preston- Running around the house trying to find his books. Found 8 out of 10.

Preston- Sunnie where are my other 2 books?

Sunnie- I don't know go and find it!

Preston- I can't find it, I need to pray and ask Jesus to help me!

Sunnie help me pray!

Sunnie- You go pray by yourself and then try to find it again!

Preston- Went to pray and came back, now he found one more book.

Still couldn't find all 10.

Mom- K I'm leaving, go get in the car. We have to go now!

Preston- Went in a car and looked down and there it was, his 1 book.

Hey, here's that book! Jesus didn't help, I found it all by myself!

Sunnie- Yes he did. He helped you to know where to look. What did you expect?

Jesus to come down himself and help you? Gosh Preston.

1 comment:

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Out of the mouths of babies....they are so funny.